How can I increase my baby weight faster

How can I increase My baby weight faster.

how can I increase my baby weight faster and. how to make baby health and chubby.and what food help baby weight gain and how are Important food for 6 month baby and 2 year's old baby to gaining weight.and fatty foods for baby to gain weight in a one year baby .In this article this define details 

 Toddler children look good because they are round and chubby Whenever a baby is born, his weight increases and decreases for 7 weeks after which his health and weight increases or decreases Most of the time, the toddler are weak and unhealthy .Taking care of his health is our first responsibility  .

Is only milk enough for the baby? No, the baby needs a rich diet .Children’s diet should contain essential fats. Many parents make the mistake of thinking that at any age, fat should be low. Half of the calories are in fat, not only will their brain be good from fat, but it will also help them to develop nerves. Rather, it gives them help to absorb vitamins A,D,E and K  present in their body.

So, let’s talk about the things that not only help in the development of children, increase their weight, and  also make them healthy.

Sources of vitamin and mineral

Eggs, milk , cheese ,broccoli, Spinach, lemon fruit, cherry, kiwi fruit ,guava ,lichi ,fatty fish , diary’s products ,meat ,chicken , breakfast cereal , mango , nuts, whole wheat .

How can I increase my baby weight faster

Healthy and nutrition food for one year baby

Does your baby breastfeed?

Is breastfeeding enough for your baby?

There are some indicators that should be kept in mind when feeding a young baby .By which we know whether the breast feeding milk is being fulfilled by the baby or not.Or is he getting as much milk as he needs for his growth or not.

First of all, we talk about the hydration / wet diaper the baby to urine pas minimum at least 6 times a day should do minimum As often as possible is good Which shows you that your baby well hydrated. You have to be very careful that the urine of the child is not cloudy and not smell too much.

And other times lets talk about  we  about dry lips chapped lips If our baby’s lips are chapped and dry, this is also a sign that our baby is not getting enough breast milk.

If all these things are right inside the baby, then we know that the baby is getting full milk you are giving your baby formula feed.formula-feed milk babies look healthier than other babies Because they are taking on a formula, there are many things included in the formula How much does a baby weigh depends on their full development and formula milk does not suit most babies Many babies are allergic to formula milk, which causes constipation and many other allergic reactions. If your baby also has any of these problems, then you should change your baby formula to a country Brand

 Does your child need to gain weight?

If your baby has entered four to 6 months of age, have you introduced him to other essential foods? From the age of six months, we start giving A solid food in your child feed which makes our children’s brains develop faster, their eyes are sharper and their weight increases faster. And if you have started your children on solid  feed it is important to take care of their weight And you have an important responsibility Choose foods for your kids that are not only healthy but also easy to  weight gain quickly, olive oil, almonds, Cashew , fatty cheese, cereal,samolena.ghee, dates

Tips for weight gain for your baby age limit 6 to 12 month 

Solid food

1) Boil an potato and boil an egg, mash the potato well. And in a bowl boil the yolk of the egg and mix it with milk. In a pan, add a spoonful of ghee and cook the mashed potatoes well, then add the yolk mixture and cook for 5 minutes. Then add little milk to it and cook for another 5 minutes then this recipe is ready

2) Take two spoons of rice and soak it and take out its water and keep it .take 2 to 3 dates and put the 2 to 4 almond and  two walnuts and soak it  After take a grinder and add the soak rice in it and add dates in it and add the soaked almonds and walnuts in it and grind it well After that, cook this mixture on low flame for five minutes and add half a cup of milk to it and cook it well.

3) Take 3 almonds and take an apple. Cook it in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Cook for 5 minutes. Keep the apple and almonds to cool down. Take a blender and add a banana to it, then add the boiled apples and almonds to it and grind them well. And add one tablespoon of honey  and mix it .

4) Take an apple, peel it and cut it, take 3 dates and remove the core After that, grind it well and after that add a spoonful of ghee in a pan and add a spoonful of semolina to cook it well Semolina  is roasted well, add milk to it, one cup and a little after cooking, then add the mixture of apples and almonds to it.Cook the  well, if needed, add water and let it medium low  for 5 minutes.

How can I increase my baby weight faster

Healthy and nutrition food for one year baby

Tips for weight gain for your baby age limit 1 Upto 2 year’s

1) two Almonds, raisins, and cashews are 3 such fruits that are rich in vitamins. Grind these 3 together to make a powder and add it to your kid’s diet daily  You can add it to milk or give it to your baby by mixing it in the yogurt and add  the cake and cookies .

2) Soak 4 almonds and 3 dates. 4. Hours later, it peels off the day after Then take a Grinder, take an apple in it and peel a whole and  take one banana cut in slices . And mixture  well Then add the soaked dry fruit to it and add one cup of milk and mixture well 

3) Three almond three dates and four cashew Soak it for 6 hours Take an apple and cut it into small pieces Take a banana, cut it into two pieces and mash them well Then add the soaked dried fruit to it and make a good paste (this mixture is very good for your baby’s health, not only will it increase your baby’s speed but it will also give you plenty of energy.)

4) Take one teaspoon of sabut-dana in a glass of milk and cook well. Add one teaspoon of sugar and cook well. Check that it mixes well with the milk and well is cooked and check its consistency as you required. After cooking, add one spoon of desi ghee and one spoon of butter (it is  optional) You can add dry fruit mixture in it if you want.

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