Home Remedies for pimples and dark spots

Home Remedies for pimples and dark spots 

Home remedies for pimple and dark spots. how to remove pimples naturally and permenantly and how to remove black spot from face at home top 3 home remedies for pimples and dark spots remove. in this details this article mentioned.

Whenever you talk about getting rid of acne spots, we find it very difficult .Because whenever we go to solve any problem related to our skin, we find it very difficult to get treatment 

There are many products available in the market which are meant to treat our skin but the chemicals and heavy creams in them also harm our skin. We have to solve many of our skin problems with the things we have in our house and in our kitchen in this  are very natural and have no side effects. 

So today we are going to talk about the things that are great for your skin, get rid of blemishes and pimples, get rid of dark circles without any side effects

Best acne treatment

Natural Ingredients



benefits of honey

how to use honey to clean acne scar tried of seeing another set of acne scar from that last breakout been wanting to try home remedies because commercial product just aren't working for you .you can start by using raw honey know for it's medicinal properties it is a widely used home remedies for various skin condition it's antimicrobial  antioxidant and healing properties make it an ideal addition to any repertoire of essential skin care products

additionally it's moisturizing properties enhanc its appeal for use on the skin if you're fed up using cream and gel that don't work for your acne scar using honey from your skin can give you  a better remedies in  this article you I'll learn how to use honey to clear acne  scar  an important thing to remember is that honey can be more effective in clearing up acne scar when it is applied before a scar from thus apply  the following remedies as early as  when your. pimple start showing you can also apply Honey when a pimple is at its healing stages and has not yet formed a scar aside. from clearing up acne scar and mark honey can also speed up the healings process  it's in time like roby .Skin care routine

all activities also help prevent new pimple from forming and ease the redness and swelling for these reasons you can conveniently use honey during any stage of your acne breakout but the earlier it is applied the better one .

chose the right type of on it though all types are basically sweet and contain the same sugar you can't just grap the first botel you see at the grocery store and slather it all over your face when using honey to treat acne and acne scar choose raw honey that is not processed prosesing involves pasteurization infiltration Which results in this lose of some compounds found in naturally honey you may also want to consider the source as certain components may very from source to source certain  types contain the main. source in their label such as manuka or  orange blossom honey a rule of thumb is to chooses honey with a slightly darker hue since it  contains  more antioxidant 

to apply raw honey to your pimples .half a teaspoon of honey unto pimples and scars apply just enough to cover the affective area leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour  but most user. have found better result from leaving It on  over night afterward rinse off with Lukewarm water do this nightly to see visible results faster 3 use a honey .

lemon mass you can combine honey with other natural ingredients like aloe Vera ,raw milk that are save for your skin and defective and clearing  acne scar one excellent combination is a honey lemon mask with yougurd mix two  teaspoon of honey freshly squeezed juice of one lemon .one tablespoon of fresh plain yolk and a but of warm water until you get a  consistency similar to a lotion wash your face and hands dry them and apply  the mixture 

let this initial layer dry then aplly a second layer let dry then keep applying the mixture until you've used it all up wait about 10 to 15 minutes  then rinse off with Lukewarm water and the lemon and honey together Great great combination for busting acne mark while the yougurd help retain moisturizer scene lemon alone  can dry up your skin use this mask at least 3 times a week  for best results .

or try making  other Honey mask Honey is Great as a mask because of its properties combined it with other skin fortifying ingredients like bananas will  fail avacado  and strawberry a good  combination of Acne scars .Skin whitening at home

Home Remedies for pimples and dark spots

benefits of lemon for acne mark remove

 Benefits of lemon for acne mark remove 

The lemon is very very acidic it's part of the citrus  fruit family and has a very acidic pH level and that can totally  just throw off the pH level of your skin that why some people suggest that you don't use the lemon for your skin in order to  help brightener or lighten or fade acne scar  but it come down to your  personal  choice but just be aware date that what can happen to your skin 

when you are using  these sort of treatment and to make sure that you balance it out  with other thing like your tone or your moisturizer your cleansers as well so  that you're not making your skin totally out if whack in terms of the. ph levels so now that I've told you all those bits and pieces we are going to go on now and I can show you the difference ways that  you can apply it and give you a little bit more info along the way .

all you need to do is just cut the lemon in half and then you can either squeeze it by hand into a small bowl or you can just use a lemon squeezer  or you know that you might have a bit of an isue with using lemon juice straight on your skin you can mix it with a bit of  water so use 50 water 50 lemon juice so now you have your little thing of lemon juice here and you can either use a Cotton round to apply this to a large  area on your face. or you can use a little  q-tip and cotton-tip 

apply this directly onto your face using the cotton round  easily

if you have just little spot that you want to deal with then  use a Cotton-tip and just dip that into the  lemon juice and apply that directly to your face that way and now 

once you're done  you can just use a damp wash clothes and rinse it off your face  just used cold water you don't need to go with using hot water or warm water or any of that sort off jazz  just use some nice cool water . 

Home Remedies for pimples and dark spots

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home remedies for pimples and dark spots

Remedy no 1

4 tea spoon better milk 

2 tea spon wheat flour 

2 tea spon tematoes past 

butter milk and tomato both have bleaching properties which remove dark spots and pigmentation from the skin it remove belimeshes n dark spots without burning sensations n  it's lactic acid remove pigmentation an even outs and brighten overall complexion now in a a bowl take all ingredients n mix it 

now clean you face and aplly this all over the face  don't apply on your eyes and lips and keep it there face  for 20 minutes  after 20 minutes massage with wet hands for 5 minutes so that gudnees of the ingredients reach ur skin well and wash for normal water .

Remedy no 2

1 tea spon sandalwood powder and  gyclerin ad one table spon. one table spon rose water  now mix them well n on our clean skin aplly this all over it face keep it there. for 20 minutes n after that massage ur face will with wet hand and then Wash it off ...

( you can use this remedy daily )

sandalwood benefits

.naturally clear skin complexion and add a healthy glow to it 

.it tightness the dropping skin tissues in order to provide a supple and youthful appearance

. effectively in fighting the becteria and fungi and prevents  the breakout the pimple 

.one of the most effective sandalwood oil benefits is ensuring baby soft skin 

gyclerin benefits

cleanser,toner , moisturizer ,treat acne ,treat Black head ,treat dry ,treat wrinkles,skin lightening,scar removal ,may use as sunscreen 

3 Remedy

1 table spon gram flour one table spon honey one spoon aleo vera gel  one table spon lemon juice now take a bowl n add all the ingredients and mix them well now applly this to all over ur face leaving ur lip n eye .leave it from 20 minutes and them massage it well for 5 minutes and then Wash it off massage will remove the dead skin n gudnees off ingredients will sooth your skin doing these remedies daily will get u a clear skin.

benefits of gram flour for skin 

cleanses skin

Reduce oily skin

fight acne 

remove facial hai

benefits of Aloe Vera gel 

prevent aging

lightens skin 

prevent acne 

remove tan 

moisturizer skin 

reduce sign  of scar 

reduce inflammation

help reduce wrinkles

benefits of lemon juice 

Lemon juice 

works wenders  to remove sun tan as it has natural bleaching properties clear skin 

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