Belly Excersise

Belly Excersise.

Reducing belly fat is one of the most common fitness goals out Which we all want Our belly fat grows very fast Apart from your fitness, losing belly fat is also good for your health

An enlarged belly and an enlarged waist make us suffer from many diseases like heart isue , diabetes ,Cancer etc .Which is not good for us at all

To reduce your belly fat you need to keep your calories to a limited only consume the amount of calories you can burn each day. 

Looking to lose Belly fat ? Add these exercises to your routine in a months/ week's 

(sprawls excercise)

basically sprawls target the core uPer body and Lower body without the challenge of push-up or impact of jumping

sprawls frog kick

sprawls frog kick in a standing position look directly forward keeping your chest up with your feet hip distance apart this  will be your starting position bend at the knees and hip and place your hands on the floor while kicking your feet out behind you slightly.

 wider than hip distance apart bring your knees in toward your elbow quickly without letting your toes touch the ground then extend them back out behind you next jump your legs back in bringing them just outside your hands to a wide squat position (from here )

jump all the way up reaching your hands above your head land with your knees slightly bend and then go immediately into the next rep continue for the desired number of repetition ( 5 to 10)


your core and shoulders strength start with your feet hip width apart crouch down And place your palms on the flo shoulders-width apart jump back with both feet extended your knees and hips completely elbow are fully extended pans are directly under your shoulder jump over with both feet at the same  time and stand upright repeat the entire sequence 

Belly Excersise


do you know that the  burpee is one of the most effective excersise that anyone can do 

five  most benefits of doing a purbee

1)it's burn calories

2)it's strengthens your core

3)it's improve cardiovascular

4) improve strength

5)it's improve mobility posture and balance.

start of standing with the feet about shoulder witdh apart  and what you want to do is you want to squat down touch the floor with your hands and then  step back into a plank step the feet forward again so you're in a squat and then stand back up to the starting position 

doing this over and over again is going to give you a feel of what's is like to do a purbee meaning go down into a squat and then into a plank and then back into a squat but you're doing it Gently without the explosivenes of jumping into the squat or doing a push-up at the bottom now as you get use to This movement you

May find that you will step back as you squat down I Don't know if you caught that now watch when I squat down I step a foot back simultaneously and you can do that as well to make the movement more fuild just make sure you alternate which leg you're stepping Back with so you're working both sides

 evenly  now these gentle burpees aren't the greatest for burning fat because they don't get your heart rate up to much so when you're ready it's Time to move on to what I call baby burpees  

Mishi Khan website

( Baby burpee)

when I call baby burpee :with baby burpees you're going to squat down hands on the floor and then kick out into the plank and kick back up into the squat and stand up so basically the baby purbee 

are eliminating the step out the to the plank and instead you're kicking out and making that bottom position more explosive notice I am not doing these to fast alright because when you kick out into the plank you want to hold that plank for a second try to concentrate on really tightening the core and holding that plank as straight as posible try not to let your hips sag too much in the plank position at the bottom and once you're comfortable with those 

(Hot squat burpee)

when I call hot squat burpee: burpees for these you're gonna hop into the squat kick out and kick back in so now you have three explosive elements to your purbee making this the most challenging variation so far so notice that we hop we kick out we kick in hop kick out and kick in since this complex movement has three explosive elements to it you're going to find that your heart rate really starts to get up there when you start doing these hop squat burpees once you're able to comfortably do sets of 10 or more of those hop squat burpees.

Belly Excersise


strength here are a few excersise to strengthen your abs starting with forward crunches maintaining posture lie flat on the floor hands behind your head for stability and. balance crunch forward so as to squeeze the muscles just below the ribcage the from involve the upper back and the middle back crunching. 

forward to squeeze the uPer abs while doing this do not bend your neck forward after reaching peak position return back to neutral posture position during this movement remember to breathe in as you come up the breathe out us go back to posture position now repeat 

Best way to lose Belly fat

(Reverse Crunches) 

Reverse crunches maintain neutral posture position hold both legs up just about a foot of the ground know pull your knees toward your torso 

while doing this avoid lifting your butt once to reach the crunch position move back to the elevated leg position and reapet in this excersise you target the lower abdominal muscles breathe in when you Brin  to the elevated position


(Maintain Posture) 

in the upright position maintaining  posture feet just about shoulder witdh apart starting with the right hand overhead bend towards your left sideways repeat the same action in the opposite direction while bending sideways remember to maintain posture

 without tilting forward or backward during stretch so this excersise focus on strengthening your oblique muscle located on either sides of your abdominal muscle 

plank exercise

Plank exercise begin by lying on your stomach place your elbow below your shoulders the hand with the palms on the ground and onto your toes this will create a straight line  from the shoulder to the heels hold this position for approximately 10 seconds

 if  you are able to maintain this posture and hold longer you may do so .if you begin to lose posture by dipping down or rolling side-to-side that you have performed this for too long the key here is to maintain good posture for as long as you are able to take the amount of time  you are able to hold the position and complete however many repetitions you need  to add UpTo 60 second this may  be either four sets of 15 seconds

Belly Excersise

three sets of 20 seconds or even six sets of 20 seconds if this is to difficult  for you 

you can perform this excersise by placing your knees on the ground and arm in the same position and again holding for an accumulated total of 60 seconds with good posture ..

Belly fat reduced

Mishi Khan website